Titusville Landmarks and Heritage Project

Marking the Spots Where History Was Made and Memories Remain

The Titusville Landmarks and Heritage Project aspires to preserve the rich history of the Titusville community by collecting stories, and marking historic sites.

This project brings together the the Titusville community as active participants in preserving the neighborhood’s rich story.

Keep reading to enjoy a sample of stories that have already been collected as part of the Titusville Landmarks and Heritage Project.

This project is sponsored by Titusville Development Corporation, Inc.(TDC) and the Titusville Marker Committee, and is support-
ed by the Alabama Humanities Alliance, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the Alabama Humanities
Alliance or the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Look for additional audio selections in the booklet below.


Current and Proposed Historic Marker Locations

Get Involved

Be part of saving Titusville’s history.

Would you like to contribute to this important project?

Mail checks to:

Titusville Development Corporation

400 Iota Ave South

Birmingham, Al. 35205

*Note that your check is for the Titusville Landmarks and Heritage Project

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We want to hear from you! Click HERE to complete a short survey on your experience or enter the following web address in your browser: https://forms.gle/iJeJ54BwGMCRFpRE6